POSITIONERS - Rotary Positioners
The Rotary positioners control the movement of the rotary pneumatic actuators according to a proportional control signal.
According to the type of proportional inputn signal, the different types of positioners of the 720 series are:
- 1720.PR720: Rotary pneumatic Positioner (signal 0,2-1 Kg/cm2 or 3-15 psi).
- 1721.PR721: Rotary Electropneumatic Positioner (signal 4-20 mA).
- 1725.PR725: Rotary Electropneumatic Positioner (signal 0-10 V.).
- 1723.PR723: Rotary Electropneumatic Positioner, Intrinsic safety (Eexia IICT6 ATEX).
This range of positioners are completed with a number of switchingand signalling options.
Electropneumatic Positioners with limit switches and/or TPS Electronic position transmitter (4-20 mA), series 172_.T1SV3, 172_.PRSV3 and 172_.T172_.
For more detailed technical information see corresponding datasheets.
The PR-720 series positioners are designed according to NAMUR (VDI/