POSITIONERS - 730 Series
The Linear positioners with characterizable cam convert the pneumatic cylinder´s linear movement into the rotary movement neede by the PR730 series positioners.
The cam ca be configurated, if needed, in such a way that the cylinder position is not linear to the input signal, allowing to adapt it to the characteristics of the actuated valve.
This type of mounting is compact and the most suitable for long actuation strokes.
According to the kind of input signal required, the different types of PR730 series positioners are:
- 1730.PR730: Pneumatic Positioner (signal 0,2-1 Kg/cm2 or 3-15 psi).
- 1731.PR731: Electro-Pneumatic Positioner (signal 4-20 mA).
- 1735.PR735: Electro-Pneumatic Positioner (signal 0-10 V.).
- 1733.PR733: Electro-Pneumatic Positioner Intrinsic safety (Eexia IICT6 ATEX).
This range of positioners is completed with a complete range of signaling options.
Electro-Pneumatic positioners with limit switches and/or TPS electronic position transmitter (4-20 mA), series 173_.T1SV3, 173_.PRSV3 and 173_.T173_.
For more technical data see corresponding datasheets.