352A60 PCB piezotronics VIET NAM Đại lý PCB piezotronics tại VIET NAM
Hãng sản xuất: PCB Piezotronics Vietnam
High frequency, ceramic shear ICP® accel., 10 mV/g, 5 to 60k Hz, 5-44 top conn.
This miniature accelerometer model achieves extremely high frequency response from 5 Hz to 60 kHz, and incorporates a LP filter to avoid saturation of the output signal to to excessive vibration.
- Sensitivity: (±15%) 10 mV/g (1.02 mV/(m/s²))
- Measurement Range: ±500 g pk (±4905 m/s² pk)
- Broadband Resolution: 0.002 g rms (0.02 m/s² rms)
- Sensing Element: Ceramic
- Weight: 0.21 oz (6.0 gm)